Why use Cooling MENA immersion cooling system for your Servers?

Keeping Servers cool is a very challenging and costly process, it uses enormous amounts of energy and requires continuous maintenance. Air cooling on the other hand limits the efficiency of those machines.

Cooling MENA immersion cooling system can increase the machine efficiency and lifetime while using much less energy for cooling. Due to these factors, the system reduces the overall power consumption, including cooling equipment, by about around 40%

By doing so, all the heat generated by the servers is captured in the liquid. Our dielectric liquids can absorb 1500 times more heat energy than air. We designed a solution that is suitable for all types of servers. This can achieve high cooling capacity with no machine performance degradation

We have selected a special liquid that can cool thoroughly and effectively without affecting the operation of the submerged machines.

We are able to deliver a high cooling capacity, therefore avoiding heat related performance degradation in devices with a high heat density such as GPGPUs (General-Purpose Graphics Processing Unit).

Which servers can be oil cooled?

Technically all types of servers can be oil cooled.

However, when speaking about data centers and server rooms, the solution will be tailor made to each and every project.

The size, the location, the number of servers, the power outlets, the ventilation and cooling are all different for each data center or server room.

We usually send a team of experts and engineers to oversee the whole system and inspect the location before we can assess the project.